How to express? Well. Only YOU can answer that..
There are static ways and dynamic ways. Ultimately, it's the communication between the artist and the audience. Even if the audience consists of a single person.
But most importantly the artist SAYS something..the artist learns to EXPRESS..
Gradually we are bridging the barriers. More to come soon..
What defines an artist? Why Art?
So many search for the answer of this question for their entire life. Only few lucky ones listen to the inner whispers. Then fewer have the guts to follow the thing they love. Surrounded by machines and technology, many have forgotten that we are supposed to express ourselves as human beings. We think. We feel. We live and breathe each moment.
One goes to express. The barriers are so high, he or she thinks whether it’s the right way to express or not. That thought starts to suppress the voice of an artist. He or she learns to compromise. After a while, the person has compromised so much, when he or she looks in the mirror, the question comes. “Is it what I am? Truly? Or is it what I have become to satisfy others’ needs?”
What makes an artist? The thought or the work? Or Both? That dichotomy makes her feel that she is alone. May be others are right again. Some say “I EXPRESS myself through my art. Why should I bother about other people?” People tend to go away. The right ones join in. Waves come and go. After all these wars, the artist thinks “All I had to do was to express myself. May be I had to love myself more?” The others look again. But this time the artist has learned to express.
Most importantly the artist has leaned to love his or her own company. The artist is human being again…