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Art...Is it such a big deal? Isn't living itself an art?


Isn't it a representation of the universe? Then why people make a big fuss about it?


Some say art is suffering, some say it's exuberance. But you think for yourself. What does art mean to YOU?


Art is a mode of expression. Art is life. Art is communication. Now you can choose a way to communicate with the audience, with the world. It can be Painting, Singing, Acting , Writing, Mixed-media installations, Sculpture, Photography, Graphics Design, Film-making. Anything.Some static, some dynamic. 


Performance Art brings the DYNAMISM of expression.


What is important? Being honest with yourself and being honest with your mode of expression. It can be provocative. It can be rebellious with a social message. In some instances, it is just pondering on SILENCE. Whichever way you choose, one has to become a good human being first. Now beyond good or bad, one needs to be sensible and sensitive to create great art, even in the most nonsensical way.

 Why expand consciousness?


Because, if you do so, you will EXPERIENCE life in a different way. Then you will express yourself in a different way. Isn't that great? The world will be a better place because of you.

OBSERVE. Observation is very important in any art. Learn to be in the moment. Practice mindfulness.

An artist, space, the audience. The connection in between. The movement of elements.

IMAGINATION is equally important. Why? Mostly people fear to face their inner demons, insecurities. But once you embrace yourself, you express yourself better. Great works of art have been made out of that. Never stop growing. There is so much to learn.




You don't have to please anyone. Just create for the sake of expressing YOURSELF truly. Then you can never lose.


So, remember it is possible to channelize the ENERGY vividly. PERFORM. You will grow from within. You will grow from the RESPONSE.


The world will grow from you, your expression and YOUR ARTISTRY.


So find YOUR ART today. EXPRESS!

© 2018 by ArijitB/iliveloveshare. All copyrights reserved.

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