Focus and Involvement
E.A.T. - Energy. Attention. Time.
These three elements are the assets when we have nothing else.
Let's forget the past, let's stop worrying about the future. Let's put our E.A.T. to now, the present. Attention is psychic energy. At one time, we can focus on one task with full psychic energy. We can also do multiple tasks scattering or dividing our psychic energy.
The question is of Involvement. Starting something in a time compartment, if we deviate, we spend some energy. Something external comes in. Provocations. Temptations. Distractions.
Then doing something else or nothing we bring back the energy to the task. It takes more energy.
Effective Energy = Ideal invested energy - Distracted Energy
X = E(energy per unit time)*T(time)
N= E(energy per unit time) * n(time for distraction)
Effective energy = E(T-n) ; Subject to variables
Rather, we could have spent that entire energy to get the task done may be in less time and more efficiently?
The hidden ingredient is about the flow. You become one with the task. You attract similar frequencies and vibes. That hidden element not only heightens the quality but also it brings in something special.
That's why focus and concentration is so important. It's like focusing the rays of the Sun through a magnifying glass. It converges to a point with all its energy and burns the paper.
Prioritization of the key activities calls for time and energy management. But with "micro flow" we can start enjoying the mundane or trivial tasks. We might add extra nuances to enjoy those moments. Or, it might simply work as a stress buster.
Pomodoro technique
The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks e.g. 5 minutes.
But that 25 minutes span calls for total focus and attention.