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Healing Power of Poetry | A call to the soul


Can poetry HEAL people? Words can heal people. It’s about remaining faithful to the essence. It's much more than fighting own ego, own hatred.​ Poetry is like abundance of fresh air, harbinger of the soul's catharsis.


We believe that poetry is a reflection of the emotion at your utmost core. Is it for everyone? If you love so.


Anybody can write. The more clarity you get, the more simplified the art becomes. But if you have a good heart, poetry never seizes to appeal to you.


Now why it is connected to soul. Because there's nothing fake in poetry. You have to be truthful to yourself. This is the reason it's not for everyone. One has to churn out things from deep within. It's only when you are true to your art, others can connect. It's that simple.


Reading is a big part in the process. Only when you read more, at certain point, you start talking to the authors. And if there's a connection, we find great friends and guides in the journey.


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Neale Donald Walsch says, Understanding replaces forgiveness. Awakening is a key aspect of writing. If we consider about energy, we need to solve a problem of lower energy only with some higher energy. If we look at the consciousness level, an incident of anger or lower energy level can only be cured with something of a higher energy level like compassion, love, empathy.


J. Arroyo says, "Medicines and surgery may cure, but only reading and writing poetry can heal." 

Li-Yong Lee says, "In writing poetry, all one’s attention is focused on some inner voice." 

James Pennebaker says, "...that writing with deep feeling improves immune system function, decreases stress, lowers blood pressure, and increases positive short and long term mood changes."


Here we'll discuss about some works of the great poets and philosophers


                                                    And in this process, if YOU find WRITING as a CALLING. We will be the happiest.

© 2018 by ArijitB/iliveloveshare. All copyrights reserved.

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