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Bhakti Movement
It started in South India. The devotion was so string that people came to join the movement. Hinduism has a lot of rituals like many other religions. But this sect focused mainly on devotion to oneself and devotion to GOD. LOVE was felt. Spiritual, Devotional Love. Poems and Songs were sung to express that love. Barriers were broken. The followers became "Bhaktas".
The Bhakti movement (of Hinduism)saw two ways of imaging the nature of the divine (Brahman) – Nirguna and Saguna.
Nirguna Brahman was the concept of the Ultimate Reality as formless, without attributes or quality.
Saguna Brahman, in contrast, was envisioned and developed as with form, attributes and quality.
In essence,
Nirguni - knowledge-focus
Saguni - love-focus
(1) God is one
(2) To worship God man should serve humanity
(3) All men are equal
(4) Worshipping God with devotion is better than performing religious ceremonies and going on pilgrimages
(5) Caste distinctions and superstitious practices are to be given up.
This movement challenged caste hierarchy, emphasized the individual's direct connection to god and the possibility of salvation for all through good deeds and simple living.
The main features of Bhakti are:
(i) A loving relationship between a devotee and his personal god.
(ii) Bhakti emphasized devotion and individual worship of a god or goddess rather than performance of elaborate sacrifices.
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