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Cooking and Gastronomy
We all love to eat. Fewer love to cook. While travelling, food gives essence of the culture. But when we know the basics of cooking, we appreciate subtle nuances in the taste. As if we talk to each and every ingredient. No matter what we put in the food, there is one thing that separates the mediocre food and the great food. Love. Love is the most important energy.
Three broad steps for cooking:
1. Preparation of the ingredients
2. Actual cooking. Mixing ingredients and so on (Cooked food = Time * Temperature)
3. Garnishing and serving
A note on tongue:
TYPES OF TASTE (Gustation):
Umami (Japanese)
Three main nerves that makes us tick:
Facial nerve
Glossopharyngeal Nerve
Vagus Nerve
Afferent Nerve signals to CNS (Central Nervous System)
Taste-buds are chemo receptors. They are localized into tissues projections. Lingual Papillae.
Fungiform papillae - 1120 Taste buds, Foliate papillae - 1280 Taste buds, Circumvallate papillae - 2200 Taste buds
On average, people have 2000-5000 taste buds with extremes being from 500 to 20000. Each taste bud has 50-150 receptor cells.
Action potentials are very important. The microvilli of the taste cells bear taste receptors. When taste cells are stimulated by binding of chemicals to their receptors, they depolarize and this depolarization is transmitted to the taste nerve fibers resulting in an action potential that is ultimately transmitted to the brain.
QUALITIES of food (Subtle appreciation) :
Taste (Gustation)
Smell (Olfaction)
Timing - Very important. e.g. How much to boil? How much to bake? How much to fry?
What to observe and feel:
But, most importantly, How does it make YOU FEEL?
Cooking techniques:
Boiling, Poaching and Steaming - With water. bubbling vigorously, simmering water yet to boil, over but not in boiling or simmering water
Sauteing - In pan, high or medium heat, in oil or butter
Braising and Stewing - Long period of time, in a small amount of liquid
Roasting - cooking food uncovered in pan
Grilling and broiling - Over Charcoal, gas or electric. Grilling outdoors, broiling indoors.
Important techniques to know and things to take care of:
Kneading the dough, Mixing the right amount, Binding, Consistency
(Stirring, folding, whipping, creaming, beating, kneading, rolling and so much more.)
Which elements and How much?
Vinegar, Red wine to smoothen
Water to boil
Saute to mix
Oil to fry. Crispiness, fluffiness.
Heat to bake
Sauces to add flavor
Salt. Fat. Acid. Heat.
Salt to taste
Oil as fat
Vinegar, Soy, Wine as acid
Butter to balance the salt
Intensify the heat for texture
Dietary elements:
Protein, Carb, Fat, Omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamins, Metals, Herbs, Spices, Flavors and so on.
Balance of elements is crucial.
Different cuisine. Different ways. Different flavor.
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