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"Theatre" the name came from the greek word "Theatron". "A place of seeing". Theatre can act as a way to express yourself. To speak out your tormenting thoughts, to express the jovial expressions. To act is to be human. When we hold too much inside ourselves, we look for outlets of expression. Without these, many psychological disturbance might happen. When we express ourselves, we wear psychological or physiological masks to portray the characters. There are props in the mise-en-scene to guide the performers. We do staging and blocking.

Sometimes the characters themselves become the masks.


The question is : How did the theatre evolve?


Various types of Theatre and its evolution:

Greek Theatre:
6th century BC. It started in Greek. Human beings wanted to express. Through words, dialogue, songs, poetry. They wanted to play characters rather than being themselves. Drama had begun. Main reason was Ritualistic Performance.
Ancient Greeks had three types of drama: Comedy, Tragedy, Satyr. Athenian comedy - Old comedy, Middle comedy, New comedy. Aristophanes.
The big three in Theatre: Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides
They created two muses. Thalia - Comedy (Social Dilemma), Melpomene - Tragedy (Suffering and Death) 
Roman Theatre -  4th century BCE. "Entruscan Actors". Bigger and more pompous. Religious and Moral. Plautus - Broadly appealing situational comedies, Terence, Seneca - High style, verbally elaborate tragedies of Seneca. Street theatre, Nude dancing, acrobatics.
Sanskrit Theatre - 1500 B.C. - A.D. 1100. Vedas, Natyasastra. Acting, Dance, Music, Dramatic construction, Architecture, Costuming, Make-up, props, Mythology etc. To educate and to entertain.
Chinese Theatre - Tang Dynasty - The age of 1000 entertainments. Children of the pear of garden. Shadow Puppetry.
Post Classical Theatre - Commedia dell'arte and Melodrama. Industrial Revolution. Developing Naturalistic Style.
European Theatre

Persian Theatre
English Theatre - Puritan Interregnum, Pageant plays based on Biblical texts. Morality plays on conduct and character. Secularism and Shakespeare. Elizabethan Theatre

Victorian Burlesque
Spanish Golden Age Theatre
French Baroque Theatre
Restoration Comedy

American Theatre - Theatre of the Absurd and Theatre of the oppressed

Japanese Theatre – Kabuki (Elaborate make up and Stylization) and Noh; Kyogen. Shadow plays.

African Theatre


Acting was shaped with these movements: Realism, Naturalism, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Symbolism, Expressionism, Surrealism and Theatre of cruelty, Post modernism, Agit prop And so much more..


Stage can be categorized in three ways:

  • Proscenium Theatre - The one you mostly see

  • Thrust Stage - Surrounded by audience from three sides

  • Arena Theatre - Surrounded by audience from four sides


"Fourth wall" separates the stage from the audience.


Types: Drama, Musical Theatre, Comedy, Tragedy, Tragi-comedy, Improvisation. Fell free to break the rules to COMMUNICATE.


Reason: Mostly Sacred or Secular or Entertainment. Protest or Immersive Theatre. Educational Theatre.


Dramatic representations in the form of : Dance, Gesture, Speech, Song, Music and many more..



Here we'll discuss performances and will do ourselves. We'll practice verbal and non-verbal gestures, practices, physical movements, voice techniques to help us become better performers, better actors, better human beings.

For beginners, they will find a way to express themselves.


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