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The practice of Sufism is the intention to go towards the Truth, by means of love and devotion. This is called the tarigat, the spiritual path or way towards God. The sufi is one who is a lover of Truth, who by means of love and devotion moves towards the Truth, towards the perfection which all are truly seeking. As necessitated by love's jealousy, the sufi is taken away from all except the Truth.

This transcends mere logic, intellectual proof; rather it involves realization, revelation and witnessing. It's beyond words, mere social conventions. It is for the enlightened inner beings or souls, offers a way to the actualization of GOD and beyond.

How can you put the infinite into words, how can you capture the unbound? It is only to be realized. When the ealized one speaks, others can find a path.

Sufism is associated with self-expression even beyond words. There is music, poetry and so much. The core is LOVE.

Rumi is one of the most famous sufis.

Rumi used to tell a story of an elephant.
Six blind men once went to find out what an elephant is.
The first blind man touched the legs of the elephant, being a blind man he could only touch and not see. He touched the legs of the elephant and came to the conclusion that the elephant is like a big pillar or a tree; straight, round, long and strong with thick skin.
The second man touched the tail of the elephant and came to the conclusion that an elephant is like a rope with a brush at the end and it can move right and left very easily in air.
The third man touched the ear of the elephant and said, "Elephant is a flat animal, like a hand fan"
The fourth man who had touched only the trunk of the elephant said "No, the elephant is like a snake or a tree branch, rough on the surface and is hollow inside.
The fifth man who had touched its belly said "An elephant is like a big wall, but with curves here and there"
The sixth man who had touched only the tusk said "An elephant is like a pipe or spear and very strong"
After they found out they had disagreement, they went to a man who had eyes and had seen the elephant. Each explained his side of the story and asked him who was right among them.

The man who had seen the elephant said: "You are all partially correct, Elephant has features that you explained but it is much more"

According to Rumi, the moral is: The sensual eye is just like the palm of the hand. The palm has not the means of covering the whole of the beast.

The sufi says that witnessing the Ocean with the eye of a drop is impossible. However, when the drop becomes one with the Ocean, it sees the Ocean with the eye of the Ocean. So it's to be realized with the innerbeing, a deeper identity is discovered and lived.


"Faith" in Islam

Image by Hulki Okan Tabak

"Faith" in Islam

"Faith" in Islam

Faith in Islam

Faith is believing in:

  1. One God

  2. In the existence of spiritual beings known as angels

  3. In the revelations of God (the Testaments), the Psalms revealed to David, the Torah sent down to Moses, the New Testament brought to Jesus and the Last Testament, Qur'an brought to Muhammad (peace be upon them all)

  4. all the prophets that were sent as mercy to mankind

  5. The Judgement Day and Resurrection

  6. The Divine Decree (destiny)

Faith is believing in:

  1. One God

  2. In the existence of spiritual beings known as angels

  3. In the revelations of God (the Testaments), the Psalms revealed to David, the Torah sent down to Moses, the New Testament brought to Jesus and the Last Testament, Qur'an brought to Muhammad (peace be upon them all)

  4. all the prophets that were sent as mercy to mankind

  5. The Judgement Day and Resurrection

  6. The Divine Decree (destiny)

Sufism and Islam

Sufism and Islam

Sufism and Islam

It is the path of spirituality that exists in Islam. Its meaning is:

  1. Seeking the pleasure of God

  2. Love and peace with one's self

  3. Harmony with all creations (mankind, animals, and nature)

  4. To be dressed with the beautiful attributes of Prophets and Saints

It is the path of spirituality that exists in Islam. Its meaning is:

  1. Seeking the pleasure of God

  2. Love and peace with one's self

  3. Harmony with all creations (mankind, animals, and nature)

  4. To be dressed with the beautiful attributes of Prophets and Saints

Reaching Sufism

Reaching Sufism

Reaching Sufism

The main methods of attaining spiritual progress in Sufism are:

  1. Following the guidance and instructions of an authorized Shaykh or guide.

  2. Performing dhikr, the remembrance of your Lord through reciting his Holy Names and Attributes, glorifying Him and praising the Creator of all.

  3. Attending the advice and dhikr gatherings held in the presence of the Shaykh or his representative; sitting together, praying together, welcoming all that come to praise their Lord.

The main methods of attaining spiritual progress in Sufism are:

  1. Following the guidance and instructions of an authorized Shaykh or guide.

  2. Performing dhikr, the remembrance of your Lord through reciting his Holy Names and Attributes, glorifying Him and praising the Creator of all.

  3. Attending the advice and dhikr gatherings held in the presence of the Shaykh or his representative; sitting together, praying together, welcoming all that come to praise their Lord.

Words to know

Words to know

a word of Persian origin meaning 'poor', which is used by sufis to indicate the poverty that they choose for themselves. In this respect, not every sufi is a dervish, nor every dervish a sufi.


Whirling Dervish:

The Mevlevi are also known as the Whirling Dervishes due to their famous practice of whirling as a form of dhikr (remembrance of God). Dervish is a common term for an initiate of the Sufi path; the whirling is part of the formal Sama ceremony and the participants are properly known as semazen-s.


Spiritual Intoxication.  It is an absence from self-awareness brought about through a powerful spiritual influence such as immersion in the Remembrance of Allah, finding Allah within the spiritual concert, or the glance of a friend of Allah. It is the overflowing of Love of Allah within the heart and ultimately annihilation in Allah. Those who drink from the Fountain of Camphor drink of an intoxicating Divine wine. They become one with the camphor. The great friends of Allah are those whose inner reality is kept secret. They are in a condition of equilibrium and balance. They are inwardly intoxicated and outwardly sober . But, the lover cannot drink from the Supreme Fountain, before drinking of the Fountain of Camphor. He must become intoxicated and then return to sobriety. Without sobriety he would never relish the overwhelming Beauty of his intoxication (sukr).



A Shaykh is someone who has inherited what the prophets brought and who is authorized to convey these teachings

and secrets to those who take his hand as teacher. A true Shaykh is the one that has mastered his lower self's bad characteristics

through devotion and sincerity towards His Lord. For that reason he is able to guide his students to mastery of their

own lower selves, opening the way to reach unlimited potential of their spiritual realities. It is that spiritual reality

which allows one to attain 6 powers:

  1. The power of attraction

  2. The power of concentration on the heart

  3. The power of guidance

  4. The power to convey other peoples's burdens and requests to God

  5. The power to convey blessings



The passing away of the self in God; the spiritual station (maqham)

which is the end of the Spiritual Path (tariqat), of travelling towards God.

In Sufism, ma'rifa (Arabic: معرفة‎, romanized: ma'rifah, lit. 'knowledge') describes the mystical intuitive knowledge of spiritual truth reached through ecstatic experiences, rather than revealed or rationally acquired.

A seeker of ma'rifa is called 'arif, "the one who knows".

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